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Ghost Stories

Tunbridge Wells Ghost Stories and Wadhurst Ghost Stories are collections of short stories, set in real-life locations, spanning over a century of history each. They're partly an attempt to create a new kind of ghost story, based not on Britain's antique heritage (manor houses, ruined castles, secluded lakes, etc.), but on Europe's esoteric 'philosophies': alchemy, Hermeticism and Rosicrucianism, amongst other worldviews. Obviously, that doesn't mean the author believes in any of those things (on the other hand, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t!). In any case, he thinks reading a fictional story about them might be a good way of passing a chilly winter's evening in front of a log fire.

Listen to Edward Gist read the first five minutes of 'The Ancient Serpent', the first story in Wadhurst Ghost Stories!

Wadhurst Ghost Stories
00:00 / 04:45
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